
06 Apr, 2022

Statement by Mamuka Mdinaradze Executive Secretary of the Georgian Dream

Unfortunately, in parallel with Russia’s war in Ukraine, an unprecedented and inconceivable hybrid warfare is being conducted against our country, Georgia!

It is already clear to everyone that today, the representatives of the radical Georgian opposition, the representatives of the war party, who hold various positions in the Ukrainian government, are conducting an open hybrid warfare against Georgia together with their colleagues. All their resources are directed toward this warfare and the degree of disinformation, fake news, and provocations has already crossed all red lines!

Within the framework of the hybrid warfare against Georgia, the representatives of both the war party and the Ukrainian authorities repeat the phrase "Georgia is doing nothing to support Ukraine" very often, while Georgia demonstrated a very clear, firm position on all international platforms regarding all principal issues. This was the case in the Council of Europe, where Georgia supported the suspension of Russia's membership; At the UN - where Georgia was a co-sponsor of the relevant resolution; We had a firm position in the OSCE, regarding the Hague Tribunal, and everywhere where Ukraine needed and needs our political support. Not to mention the hundreds of tons of humanitarian cargo. We stand with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people everywhere!

Against this background, as a part of the hybrid warfare against Georgia, we have heard another, this time completely inconceivable statement, which is offensive to both our country and each citizen of Georgia. On top of that, today the Ukrainian government demanded evidence for something that is not only non-existent and absurd, but none of us even thought of such filth!

Demanding evidence from someone who you accused of unthinkable intentions and crimes is a know-how in this area invented specifically against Georgia.

We understand that such statements are most likely backed by individuals from the war party, the opposition, and certain individuals in the Ukrainian government, including a recent appointee to Ukraine's security service, but this is a case when we categorically demand that the relevant Ukrainian services provide any evidence to prove their disgusting accusations against Georgia or deny these absurd allegations against a friend and partner country – Georgia publicly, through the same sources and in the same form.

It is unbelievable that we are forced to discuss this against the backdrop of Russia's open aggression in Ukraine, the war, and the extremely disturbing footages we have seen in recent days and, in general, since the beginning of the war.

It is also unbelievable that they are openly confronting a country, 20% of which is occupied by the same state, Russia, which is currently conducting a war on Ukrainian territory against Ukraine. At the same time, there are many countries that have not received a single reprimand, even though these countries not only refuse to join the sanctions but, unlike Georgia, do not express their support for Ukraine on international platforms.

As it is known to us, we will see a disinformation campaign against Georgia in the coming days, a new wave of provocations and fake content, which will be aimed at inciting unrest in Georgia and also opening of a second front.

The ground is already being prepared for this, and the unbelievable statements made by the Ukrainian authorities against our friendly country also seem to be part of this campaign.

Therefore, I call on everyone, especially the citizens of Georgia, both inside and outside the country, to whom it most concerns - this is a historic moment when it is of utmost importance which side of history you are on! Keep in mind that you cannot become patriots of Ukraine through the enmity of Georgia! These two are incompatible things. We categorically warn you to stop the hybrid warfare against your own country and stop trying to drag Georgia into the war.

The Georgian government acts according to the national interests of Georgia and the Georgian people. The soldiers of the hybrid warfare against Georgia will not be able to achieve their goal. Our consistent steps guarantee that the country will continue peaceful and stable development.

It should also be noted that despite everything, Georgia will never stop supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainian people on all international political platforms.