
16 Mar, 2022


First of all, we once again express our solidarity with the Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian people fighting against Russian military aggression.

We would like to reaffirm our position regarding the sanctions.

As it is known, the “Party of War” in the form of the National Movement does not dare to speak openly about the imposition of sanctions and the desire to involve Georgia in the military conflict. However, all of their provocations are aimed precisely at this. It is their obvious goal for the authorities to make extremely harmful decisions for the Georgian state and its people, impose economic sanctions, and involve the country in war, which will have dire consequences for Georgia and its people.

It should be noted that in the past few days, their foreign lobbyists have also become actively involved in the National Movement’s provocative campaign in terms of sanctions. Over these days, television stations belonging to the National Movement covered several statements by such lobbyists, calling on the Georgian authorities to join the sanctions.

In this regard, we would like to remind you that after the Russia-Georgia war of 2008, not a single state in the world imposed sanctions on Russia despite the fact that as a result of this war, Russia occupied 20 percent of Georgia’s territories, hundreds of military servicemen and civilians were killed, 30,000 citizens became IDPs, Russia bombed Georgian cities, completely destroyed hundreds of Georgian villages, Georgian churches, and other cultural heritage monuments.

Despite all this, after the 2008 war, the Georgian authorities at the time did not impose sanctions on Russia either. Moreover, the authorities of Georgia under the National Movement introduced a visa-free regime for Russian citizens, partially in 2010 and fully in February 2012. Since 2012, under our government, trade and economic relations with Russia have been expanded.  No one – we repeat, no one – has made any critical remarks about any of these decisions by the previous or current authorities.

It was clear to everyone that the steps taken by the authorities only served the interests of our own country and population, including the hundreds of thousands of our citizens living in Russia and the occupied territories.

Given our special attitude toward the Ukrainian people, naturally, our solidarity with Ukraine is of a special nature. However, it is unclear how they can demand the imposition of sanctions in response to the ongoing Russian military aggression in Ukraine, when the Georgian authorities have not done so even after the occupation of their own country.

We once again call on the “Party of War” in the form of the National Movement to kindly speak openly if they support the imposition of sanctions, instead of resorting to covert agitation, staging provocations, and hiring foreign lobbyists.

We reiterate that by imposing economic sanctions, the authorities of Georgia will not be able to harm Russia in any way, while this would be a major blow for Georgia and its population.

Therefore, we would like to emphasize once again that our position concerning the imposition of sanctions remains unchanged, and no one will be able to change our position on this issue through provocations, covert campaigns, or foreign lobbyists.

We reiterate that Georgia will not join the sanctions imposed on Russia.

In parallel with the political and humanitarian support of Ukraine, the authorities of Georgia stand guard, in a principled and uncompromising manner, over the interests of the Georgian state and the Georgian people.