
18 Oct, 2021

Statement by Kakha Kaladze

­Greetings, my friends!

I greet my Tbilisi and my fellow citizens!

First of all, I would like to once again thank every single voter.

Over the past two months, I presented a detailed report to the residents of Tbilisi on what I have done for the city during the past four years and what I plan to do in the next four years.

During this time, I, my spouse, my parents, and perhaps most unfortunately, my young children have become the targets of an unprecedented campaign of aggression, hate, and lies.

Nevertheless, I decided to run a European-style, future-oriented election campaign which, rather than being aimed at presenting the opponents’ shortcomings and flaws, was aimed at offering the most sophisticated and well-thought-out city development plan to the residents of Tbilisi. We have offered the residents of Tbilisi a detailed election program and a number of large-scale projects which, I believe, will make Tbilisi an even more developed, European, beautiful, green, and attractive city, and bring more life to every district of Tbilisi.

Unfortunately, the public has not heard a single valuable suggestion from my opponent concerning the development of Tbilisi. Instead, their entire campaign was aimed at overthrowing the government, stirring up unrest, and the so-called referendum. To this day, the runner-up candidate has done nothing for the country and the city other than bankrupting private companies, trying to break into state buildings, and constantly staging hooligan provocations.

Friends, a solid future is determined by a solid foundation, which is based on the correct analysis of the past. Tbilisi passed a verdict on the political force that is opposing us in the second round a long time ago. Unfortunately, however, even today we have to remind everyone once again of the violations of citizens’ dignity, the violence, the terror, the seizure of property, the murder of innocent young people, the trampling of the freedom of speech, the crackdown on the media, the cynicism, the lies, and the racketeering that used to take place… This is the dark past of our country and our city, to which we will never ever return. However, we must never forget it either, so that we may remember the path that we have walked and the mistakes that we have made.

The victory of 2 October needs to be seen through to the end! And the vote cast by every voter is decisive in this case. I ask and urge every citizen in all 20 municipalities where the second round is taking place to come to the elections so that we may put an end to the Bolshevism, the evil, the hatred, and the lies that are embodied by the United National Movement in this country once and for all!

Those of you who remember the dark past and reject it, as well as those of you who are thinking about the future and know exactly what kind of a city you would like to live in should definitely come to the elections on 30 October.

Tbilisi and Georgia do not need revenge and chaos – they need progress and peace. I believe that progress and stability will prevail over revenge and chaos on 30 October! Tbilisi and Georgia will emerge victorious on 30 October!

Let’s see our victory through to the end!