
01 Oct, 2021

Statement By Irakli Kobakhidze


Today, the pre-election campaign is coming to an end and we would like to summarize the past two month.

As you all know, the pre-election campaign was held in an unprecedentedly calm and peaceful environment. Despite several serious provocations carried out by the United National Movement during the last 10 days prior to the elections, they were unable to artificially worsen the election environment.  Unfortunately, one of the provocations ended with a severe incident, and as you are aware, in this particular case, too, the law enforcement officers responded immediately. I would like to thank our activists and supporters for their patience and for a peaceful response to the provocations.

The preliminary reports published up to date by international and local organizations, confirm that no election violations have been confirmed during the pre-election period, which would have made even a minor impact on the final results of election.

We would like to thank the heads of our local election headquarters, mayoral and city council candidates, and the tens of thousands of members and supporters of our party, who have spared no efforts over the past two month to ensure the Georgian Dream’s eighth consecutive victory in free and fair elections.

We would like to thank the law enforcement agencies, the election administration and all constructive opposition parties for their contribution to ensuring a healthy pre-election environment.

Over the past two month, the Georgian Dream has been the only political force, which has been meeting with citizens in the Capital, in regions, in every single municipality, villages, towns and districts, presenting the election program to them and talking about how the party sees the development of each and every town and village, providing solutions to the people’s concerns.

Unlike us, the radical opposition talked about uncertain referendum, with the uncertain messages, which are completely uninteresting to the public. We are confident that this attitude towards citizens will be vividly reflected in the election results.

The matter of a local government is decided during the local government elections. However, naturally, these elections carry a serious political significance. Tomorrow are held the last election until 2024. Consequently, after the 2 October elections end, the country will be given the opportunity for a peaceful and stable development, economic progress, defeating poverty and further strengthening our country’s foreign positions. For this purpose, it is important to fully mobilize  Georgian society tomorrow, against those political forces that, for years, have been dragging the country back into the heavy past.

They wanted a referendum? They will get a referendum along with local elections and this will be a referendum ending the United National Movement and its satellites, abusers and traitors.

Georgian democracy needs this. This is needed for the strength of the Georgian state and the Georgian church. There is no place in the Georgian democracy for the radical, anti-state and anti-church groups. Tomorrow, these forces must recieve the adequately answer from the Georgian society.

As confirmed by all reliable sociological surveys, Georgian Dream is convincingly winning the local elections. Our mayoral candidates are winning elections in the very first round in the vast majority of municipalities.

Of course, the final results depends on the will and the active turnout of voters. Therefore, we would like to once again call on citizens be active at their maximum.

We are confident that the "Development to All Regions" and "More Life in Every District of Tbilisi" will win tomorrow.

There is no alternative to Georgia's progress and development, peace and stability!